Thursday, March 12, 2015

10 facts you have never known about Star Wars

Ten things you didn't know about Star Wars

1-Biggs Darklighter is a distant cousin of
Luke Skywalker

2-Anakin was not Shmi's first child she had two
others one died of a birth defect
(unknown age/half brother of Anakin name from birth dad)
and the other (Tobahn) was "exceptionally"
diplomatic. The 20 1/2 year old brother had gained
both him and his father's (Ani's birth dad) freedom.
Tobahn was a slave for a political family but was
soon a counselor for the family of the Lars.  When
pushing his Anti-Slavery case to Governor of
Corsacant Governor Palpatine both Tobahn and his
Father Ani succumbed to Corsacant Fever.

3-Cliegg Lars had been a renowned ambassador for
Tatooine.  He had been enlightened by Tobahn
Skywalker and had wanted to abolish slavery.
After presenting their case to the Governor of
Corsacant he had chosen to enjoy the invitation
of Palpatine with a week long visit watching
construction of the giant sky rises.  Within
days after the hearing both Tobahn and his Father
Ani had succumbed to a heavily resistant case of
Corsacant Fever.  On the flight back to Tatooine
Cliegg's ship had been attacked by unknown space
terrorists when a bomb had been added to the heating
system where the bombs sensor activated.  Cliegg Survived but
permanently  sustained damage.  Then giving up a life of danger
in politics to a clam, safe, moister farmer.
His wife was tragically killed during the attack as
was most of the crew.  Most of the Lars fortune
went into funds for the crew members families
and non-profits.  Many scholarships were given
in his wife's name.  Cliegg had promised to free
Tobahn's mother Shmi before he died.  New laws had
passed on Tatooine while Cliegg had been going
through rehabilitation. That is were the rest of
the family fortune went to.  Cliegg vowed to find
a way to free Shmi.  The moisture farm was just a
ruse anyway.  Cliegg had always envisioned turning
Tatooine into the new Corsacant.  

4-Mon Mothma's grandfather was a Sith lord
(Mother's side of course).

5-Dash Rendar is Han Solo's Half brother. Han was
a teenage runaway.  His parents had divorced at a
young age leaving Han feeling like a "Rebel"
without a cause.  His mother married a space pirate
at some far off galaxy when Han was 6 years of age.

6-Jabba The Hutt kept pushing for better
Pro-Slavery rights.  Luckily he had the ear of
a Governor in Corsacant who was Pro-Slavery as well.

7-After Anakin Skywalker was taken to the Jedi
Academy he found his boyish looks a hindrance.
It took him four years to be able to manipulate the
force coherently enough to change the shapes of his
facial structure. That is when he started using
light electrical spasms to emulate muscle building.
Any lightning is seen as Darkside powers.

8-Padmae always had a feeling of impending doom.
Growing up for so long without parents left her a
little hollow and jaded for children.  Her Fathers
decision to Divorce her mother before she was born
would follow Padmae for her whole existence.
Her mother died soon after Padmae was born from a
broken heart.  Padmae vowed she would marry for
life.  Her father would end up a drunk hidden in
his office until his death (before her tenth Birthday).

9-C-3PO had circuitry implanted by Obi-Wan before
he left with Bail Organa.  It caused C-3PO to not
mention anything before the start of A NEW HOPE.
R2-D2 had his complete memory bank wiped.  In
the confusion of paper work and Obi-Wan's
disappearance to Tatooine Obi-Wan's summer home
was programmed as R2-D2's emergency contact.

10-Han Solo was visiting his birth dad at Mois
Eisley Cantina trying to get some creds for Han's
Birthday.  Until Han got the high priced promise
by an old Wizard and a young Fool to pay off Jabba.
Off he went for his selfish reasons (like a true Rogue)
before his meeting with his father had started.
General Solo (Han's birth dad) throws down the
bouquet of flowers off screen as we see the Falcon
taking flight while Stormtroopers fire hopelessly
at a Corelian transport. Han fabricated the
story of Imperials scanning him for spice.  Instead
he had sold off most of it to help back some get
rich scheme of his friend Lando Clarisian. Han
had wanted to visit the Lando system (as Leia calls
it) to get some of his money from the gas mining
(Han owned one percent stock) after Hoth to pay for a warm
getaway.Sadly Han only got what he deserved (forever in the
beg position thinking about his cut of the stock).The pay was
settled off screen as Lando installed more expensive modifications
to the Falcon before destroying the Death Star II (using Republic
money no doubt and Rebel resources).  It's Lando "This deal is
getting worse all the time!"

By Omeed Ouhadi


Friday, January 30, 2015

IMDB HE-MAN MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE is a great movie.  I was born in the early 80's and had seen many movies growing up, but the He-Man movie was least discussed in my area.  I had seen many different types of films that I had started to confuse them.  The way I remember the He-Man movie was a very futuristic Sci-Fi where everything was burning all around.  In the film around the time Principal Strickland (did that guy ever have hair?) gets fired at is how I remember the whole movie's lighting looked.
    My memory clip gives Man-At-Arms this giant chest cavity that flops open with automated targeting laser guns.  If not automated then wired reflexes.  Overall I had a feeling of melancholy towards the movie.  Originally I kept confusing MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE with IMDB BEASTMASTER BeastMaster I and II.  Tall guy, blonde hair, tigers, and Sci-Fi - Oh My.
      MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE film should be at least an 8.0 IMDB.  After relentleslly avoiding it for over two years I was able to pop the cassette into my Video Camera Recorder? (VCR). It was astounding. With Trivia and Goofs from IMDB users and years of learning all about film producing I was very pleased with the outcome.  One biggest factor is that they made their costumes look too realistic.  They must have lost a lot of budget on making heavy well constructed costumes.  Even my wife enjoyed it to the point of quoting the movie.  Some where around the lines of "How did they get all the food to stay on these little sticks?" (Teela)  "That's because it's rib bones!  Never think when you are eating!"  (Man-At-Arms).  I would recommend this movie to 10 + yrs old.  It is very realistic and I am sure would cause some PTSD.

      Thank you,


Friday, November 21, 2014

Have been getting my hands on more media recently.  I use about any place to pick up movies.  One place was TSC (Tractor Supply Company) with a 10 pack DVD that included Cloak & Dagger (Atari commercial/espionage).  Jamie's Flea Market is another great pick with a verity of vendors. Sadly the one I tend to choose is our Public Library.  The thing about our public library is some of the protective cases have a tendency to scratch the DVD's with bad molding techniques.
         Last week I picked up a copy of BOSOM BUDDIES.  It had that 80's sitcom feeling.  More then I knew.  After watching an episode I figured out what appealed to me.  Bosom Buddies 1980 IMDB It is a Robert L. Boyett, Thomas L. Miller and (?) Christ Thompson (The fourth Stooge?).  
The leads go to a lot of people.  Recently I figured out that "EXTRAS"  make a movie.  Usually I only cared about top billed stars (What a fool I was).  I really will not get into all the actors in this show.  I will focus on four (actually I would like to say "five." Joe Mantenga plays a Shiek in a gambling episode and has the funniest line).  Peter Scolari, Wendy Jo Sperber, Thelma Hopkins, Tom Hanks.  
        Wendy Jo Sperber played the role of Linda McFly (George's daughter from Back To The Future BTTF).  Wendy is hilarious in this series, but she wears these long sweater dresses (?) that I feel I am watching Facts Of Life.
        Tom Hanks had too much fun on this show.  I wish I could say more.  He really killed the part of a Hippie in an episode of the second season (That was the only season on the shelf) for a five year High School Reunion. It was inevitable that the show was to be cancelled.  I believe the whole show was the premise for the movie Sorority Boys.
        Thelma Hopkins seems to enjoy the show as well.  There is still a twinkle to her appearance but she seems to be outside of the circle.  It's kind of like watching Aunt Rachael's (Family Matters Television show) college years.  Her character has better lines in Family Matters which is a great improvement.
         Finally Peter Scolari.  Originally I noticed him in the Television series Honey I Shrunk The kids.  The Television show had just about enough chance as Bosom Buddies.  The show has opportunity, but it can easily lose scope.  In Bosom Buddies a lot of events only occurred once. A female will be in one episode and in the next it was like she never existed.  This was also present in Honey I Shrunk The Kids.  Peter Scolari looks different from his Bosom Buddies days.  If you watch the show or have seen it.  Peter seems very athletic, but compared to Honey I Shrunk The Kids his character is suppose to be an all day inventor.  In fact in the movie Honey I Shrunk The Kids the character has a chance to go outside.  Unwilling to chance to crushing the children in the lawn he constructs a  floating-rotating hammock.  His one chance at exercise becomes hammock rest. Peter Scolari really does bring out his character, demeanor, jokes, immaturity, and awful ideas.    

Thank you,

  -Olosnah Crafts and More


Monday, October 27, 2014

XBOX original/classic has defects.  I am not sure if I mentioned it before, but in the original XBOX the internal Hard Drive is coded to the board.  This is a pretty easy fix, except I have not tried it. Sadly most of the first editions with big bulky Disc Drives have a very large amount of Laser failures.  Where the Laser can no longer read the pits of the disc.  Lowering the trimmer pot/calibrating of the laser will more likely lead to a burnt out Laser then a working one.  It will be time consuming but I will need to find the Disc Drive replacements.  I read on a site somewhere that some of the Drives are the same ones used in Personal Computers and are interchangeable.  These last several weeks I have been avoiding the truth that the laser component needs replaced.  That I cannot fix it.  I am having a hard time finding Original XBOX Laser replacements.  Why did XBOX name their XBOX 720 XBOX ONE?  That is what I called the original XBOX. XBOX 1, XBOX 360, XBOX 720.

On a side note I have been working on my arcade.  I have an almost working joy pad reusing a Loot Crate box.  One button's light dims out and another button is not connected or mis-connected should I say.  Another problem was some of the games will not give me a continue regardless of how many "COINS" I pushed in.  Here is a picture of my  joy pad. It is pretty portable right now, but I wanted to give arcades back to kids.  There is a NO-CONTEST at Jamie's Flea Market and that is where I am Wednesday and Saturday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

THE SHADOW 1994 with Alec Baldwin is one of my favorite movies.  The Fifth Element (1997) is another one of my favorite movies as well. I highly recommend them both as Fantasy/Sci-Fi.

I just wanted to say that I have purchased my first arcade board.  As soon as I get it, it will mean a lot to me.  I was hoping to be able to have several cabinets (getting ahead of myself again) that I could drag onto my drive way on free play and let neighbors play it.  Stephanie said that it seemed kind of odd that I would have free arcades for a system with the demographics of about 10-16 year old males.  I was kind of like...."OH!" (it is great to have a best friend who shows you what others will think, instead of you thinking you are going to be the next Nolan Bushnell).

On a sad note today, I have lost the key to the fence to let me to chicken coop. I need to find it.  When I get my board and extra parts and I have it all working.  Know that I will post pictures.

Thank you,



Monday, September 8, 2014

Trying to learn how to do Chiptunes.  Here is a link for WikiHow. How to ChipTunes start. You will need more websites.  I would love to have one, but you need to mod your Gameboy or system, then yo have to find the software cart to play it.

On the Darkened Duo story, I have chapter one finished. Just need all the others done and edited.

Thank you,


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor day, meant cleaning day.  I have started to write a script for a comic book or perhaps more of a novel.  Being at Jamie's Flea Market keeps me from being a sociopath.  Really.  I use to just dwell in my basement working on this and that.  All this awesomeness that was kept at my house by myself, was able to be taken to Jamie's.  I found a lot more people with the same interest as mine.  My mind is flowing.  The ironic thing is we went to Jamie's to sell my video game/electronics based items, but instead we are pushing Stephanie's craft projects.  What was Stephanie's "Hobby" is now going to be our main source of income at Jamie's.  Thank's to John Pankratz.  I guess he thought he was the only one to be called a Dreamer, but he's not.  Everything happens for a reason, the question is whether it is a bomb or a Gift-horse.  I feel bad when I do not post on here.  I have recently been joining a lot of groups on Facebook. Some how more confidence as well.  There are still times when I am commenting on someones post and they choice to ignore my comments.  I thought little teen girls laughing at me was when I was suppose to go all Carrie on them, but now I understand to leave. When I use to stay and fight little girls...I became worse then the Hulk (more jokes at my expense).  John allowed me to borrow a comic, whose title I have forgotten, but I refer to it as an Elevator Of Awesomeness! Every level that was fought on a new character would show up.  Funny I am writing on here, because I would rather be spending more time developing the Story of  the DARKENED DUO series.